Ihre Experten für Fragen zu Export, Zoll und Import                

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ICC Switzerland Recognized Training on Incoterms® 2020 Rules


Incoterms® are much more than implementing transport and customs formalities on the operative level. The new innovations of the Incoterms® 2020 are the opportunity to deepen the existing expertise and to recognise certain margins of negotiations. 

  • At our trainings we provide you beside innovations also typical application mistakes, pitfalls by clearing up on chances and risks and interfaces to other set of rules. 
  • Negotiation: you will receive valuable tips and arguments for the implementation of your own clauses.
  • Liability cases and transport law: valuable practical tips regarding questions of liability and the collaboration with carriers.
  • Pitfalls of transport insurances and relevant detailed knowledge about the Institute Cargo Clauses
  • Background knowledge about worldwide safety regulations in the sector of customs and transport
  • Background knowledge about customs procedures, tariffs, customs systems and import taxes worldwide, duties of the importers and exporters regarding the Incoterms®
  • Tips and tricks from the experienced professional


Proven Inhouse Trainings

Incoterms® concern several enterprise divisions like for example the purchasing, sale and logistics in the same way. For this reason, our inhouse trainings have particularly proved their worth. We have developed for you a practice-oriented half-day seminary which settles the most important errors around the Incoterms® and gets right to the heart of the innovations of the Incoterms® 2020 and the operative, strategic and legal aspects. The teams will be specifically and sustainably strengthened for the daily order processing and for negotiations.

The coveted appointments can be booked already; the early coordination of the appointments is possible through e-mail.
